Mission & Objectives



To support charitable, educational, health and advocacy facilities for needy people all over Pakistan.




1. Health Facilities

I. To aid, assist, set up. maintain, administer and run


a. hospitals, nursing homes, mother and child care centers, clinics, dispensaries, immunizations and vaccination centers and places of medical aid. convalescent homes, family planning centers, x-ray laboratories, radiotherapy centers, pathological and clinical laboratories, blood banks, eye banks.


II. To provide proper medical attendance, nursing, food, medicines, drugs and special appliances of medical, surgical, pharmaceutical or other nature or other centers connected with the care of human body to persons with disabilities such as deaf, dumb, blind, crippled or otherwise physical!} or mentally handicapped.


III. To create awareness regarding protection from infectious diseases like Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Typhoid, Hepatitis and Tuberculosis and to provide free treatment and medicines to the people affected by these infectious diseases.


2. Educational Facilities

I. To establish, manage, maintain, own, administer, promote and subsidize


a. educational institutions, computer literacy centers, schools, colleges, institutions for study and research, centers of learning, teachers training and resource centers, reading rooms, hostels, boarding houses, other institutions for basic and advanced studies.


II. To provide scholarships to students and grant aid including supply of books, stipends, medals, prize, grants, awards, medicines, educational career support, educational loans, bursaries and other incentives for the purpose of advancement of knowledge, education and literacy.


III. To run special educations institutions to provide proper education of persons with disabilities such as deaf, dumb, blind, crippled or otherwise physically or mentally handicapped and to provide them grants and facilities for education and training.

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